Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Aspirations and Inspirations

Hey guys! 2014 keeps getting better for me ( I hope it goes the same for everyone else! ) If things ain't going your way so far, don't worry! We are only halfway through the first month of the year! I am sure many opportunities are coming up your way! So keep your heads up!

So why did I say that 2014 keeps getting better is because ...... of my O level results! YES it's finally out ( on Monday )! Sorry I am kind of slow in posting because I am currently working, but today is my off day, so I finally have the time to do some blogging!! My results are eligible for the course that I have always wanted ( for the past 2 years )!! I am so HAPPYYYYYYY!!!! Oh right, I forgot to say, the course is none other than mass communication! I aspire to open up my own fashion magazine because FASHION IS MY PASSION! I would like to be a fashion journalist and travel around the world writing about the things that I am most passionate about! So getting into mass communication is one step closer to my dreams! Now O levels are nothing to me, like the subjects I took ( triple science ), yeah sure they gave me lots of knowledge to our human body but I figured out that science isn't what I want to pursue anymore. I used to want to be a teacher, then an interior designer, then an architect, then a marine biologist, then a guinea... As you can tell I was a very fickle minded person. One moment I aspire to be this and the next I aspire to be that. However, I made up my mind that I am serious about fashion. I have been sticking to my dreams for the past 2-3 years, I can say that is the longest time I have been serious about my aspirations. Fashion never fails to bore me. I feel that there is always something special in every piece of clothing I saw. I am always fascinated by what material is used to make each clothing. Especially here at ParcoNextNext where I get to see the works of local designers, the designs and materials are really really different from your common high street brands. Always during my free time ( 90% of my working time ), I would just walk around the shop aimlessly, looking at the clothes and touching them. Wondering what the designers were thinking while designing all these wonderful pieces. Some designs may be somewhat similar, but the thought processing and the material the designers use for each clothing is different. If you are thinking why not be a fashion designer, I have thought of being that too! But i just cannot draw.... See, why I was such a fickle minded person was that there was always that one thing that made me feel intimidated and so gave up on it. But you should NEVER GIVE UP! For example, I wanted to be a model so badly, but because of my height, I am sure I can never be one. I gave up on that dream once but deep inside, I hope that one day I may emerge as an extra petite model as long as I keep believing. Being a model now is just a dream, if I ever get to be one, I would say it's a bonus in life. I should focus on the things that I am serious about and achieving them, the other dreams may come true if they are meant to be, so I won't have high hopes on them.

Since now my grades are eligible for the course that I want, I am NOT letting this chance slip past me. So the option of going to a junior college is a straight NO. I don't want to have any more regrets for choosing the wrong subjects. I know my parents wanted me to enter a junior college, then to a local university and be a doctor or a teacher. But that is not my interest at all, maybe used to be but not NOW. I am clear of what I want so nothing is going to stop me. Besides that path is too common for many Singaporeans. I just want to be different and go for something that I am really passionate about. I am aware that the fashion industry in Singapore is not very ( how should I put it? ) sustainable as compared to the science industry. Passion is nothing compared to money. I know my parents' next line, ' you are still young, you don't know how hard it is to survive without money, cost of living is very high here....blah blah blah...'. Okay I get it! But if I work hard, I am sure I am able to survive a decent living. Besides I will definitely venture abroad, who knows if I will be migrating?

For now, I am young and fearless. Know what you love and go for it! Life is not supposed to be smooth sailing, if it is, how boring is that? -.- Sometimes I dream of FAILING ( I know! Which person dreams of failing?!?!?!?! ) , and then pick myself up and do MUCH BETTER if i didn't fail at all. In the end, you will realize that everything was worthwhile in the process.

And I really love this quote a lot, which is ' work hard in silence let success make the noise '. Actually last year was a battle for me. I can say it was my worst year throughout my whole life. I did work hard figuring out who I was, overcoming my fears and handling my feelings all by myself. Nobody knew what I was going through, I was depressed. It was a tough one but I made it through with countless of lessons learnt and a stronger me. And my success was to get into the course that I always wanted. This will be my history and it made me have another aspiration! Which is to write a book and inspire others about my struggles and not giving up because I did it! See, not all downs are bad!

So that's all I have to say, I am not sure what my post title should be hmmm...another ranting? xD
Thanks for reading! Byeeee~


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