Sunday, December 8, 2013

A little brief introduction

Hello readers! This is my first post of this new blog! So...I'm starting to blog again, the last time I blogged was so long ago, I think it was when I was in my lower secondary. Back then, I blogged about rubbish because blogging then was like the trend. Everybody in my class had a blog, so I went to make one. I had no purpose in blogging and I was too young to blog about current affairs or about my passion. Now, I do have a purpose and I want to blog about my passion for fashion. I have been wanting to write a blog for quite a while but due to O levels, I couldn't. Now that O levels have passed and staying at home has made me bored to tears, I have decided it's time that I do something productive. I actually wanted to start right away after my O's but opps, I was too lazy ( a major exam has just ended, of course I need time to relax!) and procrastination.... Tomorrow is my first day of work ( a WAKE UP CALL that I start doing something productive!! ). I have gotten the job at Parco, still freaking out about it! I think this job is a very good start because in the future, I want to work in the fashion industry. So I was looking for a job related to fashion, like working as a sales assistant ( NEVER will I work in a F&B outlet) I was hoping to get a job at a high street brand like Topshop but consider myself lucky, I got a job that not only gives me an experience in retail sales, but also a chance to meet local designers! If I were to work in maybe Topshop, meeting designers is impossible. Moreover, I should be supporting and embracing local designers right? They are our future fashion designers in Singapore! Sadly, I feel that they are not really appreciated here. For example, when I went to Parco, there were hardly any customers and honestly before I gotten the job at Parco, I had no clue what Parco was! But I am glad I still got to know Parco and even work for them. As I walked around Parco Next Next, I feel that the clothes displayed have the potential of being successful designers. There are so many different styles! The pieces there are limited, so chances of somebody wearing the same clothes as you is limited. If you are like me who likes to dress differently from others, then Parco is a good place to shop at. Also, Parco is not crowded. If you do not like to squeeze in with the crowd while shopping, then you should come to Parco! It is organised according to brands, different brands have different styles. So if you are a funky type of person, you should just focus on one brand. Okay enough about Parco, I haven't even started working at Parco! I am sorry that my blog is so unappealing and boring! I am still new to blogging. I was kinda frustrated just now about the template because I totally forgot how to edit template and other stuff. I hope my posts will interest you and thanks for reading my first post! Xoxo, Cheryl

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